Eier legende W. (ugs. scherzh.; Person od. Sache, die keinerlei Nachteile aufweist, alle Bedürfnisse befriedigt, allen Ansprüchen genügt © 2000 Dudenverlag
Collins e-Großwörterbuch:
all-providing genetically engineered animal - OMG what a load of %@&§! Who put that in, someone on work experience?! The Wollmilchsau is genetically engineered? Incredible.
all-providing genetically engineered animal - OMG what a load of %@&§! Who put that in, someone on work experience?! The Wollmilchsau is genetically engineered? Incredible.
Langenscheidt Muret-Sanders Großwörterbuch Deutsch-English: DOESN'T HAVE IT?? Shock after shock.
Others' ideas:
- "... does everything but make the tea" (although the ELWMS makes the tea ...)
- "... and makes the coffee too" (could be good in context)
- "egg-laying jackrabbit mule" link (This must be a US thing, although it gets hardly any Google hits at all, and it is only an unbelievable fantasy creature, not something which fulfils all your dreams.)
- "jack of all trades, master of none" - "a person who can do many different types of work, but who perhaps does not do them very well" link - this has too much of a negative suggestion for me. An ELWMS can do everything well.
- "all-singing, all-dancing" (seems to be UK only) - I like this.
My ideas:
- El Dorado, Shangri-La (in context)
- The ultimate, unattainable dream/goal
- The goose that lays/laid the golden egg(s) - although this usually means an existing source of great profit, it can also mean something you are striving to get hold of.
- 0r even: the master of all trades, which is creative, but actually used quite often (creatively), e.g. here and here
In context:
Ich war begeistert: Der Studiengang hatte alles, was ich wollte, so wie eine eierlegende Wollmilchsau. link
... the goose that laid the golden eggs
(here, it seems to actually be attainable, not a dream...)
Die Firmen suchen in ihren Stellenanzeigen natürlich immer die Eier legende Wollmilchsau. Das schreckt ab.
... all-singing, all-dancing all-rounders
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